Humanitaar- ja majandusainete keskus

Kultuuridevaheline suhtlemine ja projektijuhtimine Üliõpilaselt üliõpilasele projekt (HKE172)

If you would like to try something different and try your hand at managing a project in an international environment, as well as collectively structure your own course plan, then this course is for you. You will learn to work in an international team in a structured way that will help you immensely in the future.

This course is suitable for all ERASMUS students as well as local students who want to learn some basics about cultural differences and project-based work while spending the course organizing a fun event.

Õppeaine sisu lühitutvustus:

The team will brainstorm an idea for a project that they must execute by the end of the semester. During classes students will learn about different styles of managing projects and practice English, as well as learn some theory about our world’s different cultures and communication styles. 


The grade will be combined from the event and self-evaluation assignments, as well as a presentation and small research article.